Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome Address

Hey There!

Shopping Drama is here to cater to the wants and needs of almost everyone from all ages.

We sell preorder clothes, patent belts and some secondhand stuff but rest assure that they are all in good condition. =)

However, the business operates on an ad-hoc basis due to certain constraints.

Your kind understanding towards our predicament is much appreciated.

We are currently upgrading the blog navigations to serve our customers better so please bear with us. We will be up and about as soon as possible.

Thank You!

And Happy Online Shopping! ^_^


Email Address:
Contact No.
Mode of Delivery Postage
Location (for meet-ups)
Address (for postage)
Item Code(s)
Mode of Payment POSB Bank Transfer only (preferred)
Cash (for meet-ups)
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